This is why I love girlfriends. We always know when we are bumming, thrown off course, worried or sad despite a smile. Yesterday was an upsetting day for me, and this is what my girlfriend from work emailed me while in a meeting with our boss who assumes she is taking notes. She kills me. I get this in my car at lunch...she is the bestest..
------Original Message------
From: Connie
12 Random Reasons Why You Are Awesome
Sent: Nov 25, 2008 2:31 PM
1. You have fluffy hair
2. You love little Rio
3. You're an awesome Mom, even though your kids don't sometimes realize it
4. We pee and bleed simultaneously (deep bonding)
5. I can tell you about my dating life and you don't judge me
6. You learn more every day
7. You make me laugh
8. You know stuff about lingerie
9. Your clothes are amazing
10. Your eyes are all sparklie, even when you are sad
11. You could drive to DC with your eyes closed, I'm convinced of it
12. The producer of Saturday Night Live wanted you to join the mile high club with him once, and you turned him down.
Thought you should know...
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